Review Article

Revolutionizing Post Anesthesia Care Unit with Artificial Intelligence: A Narrative Review


Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being utilized in Post-Anesthesia Care Units (PACUs) to improve patient monitoring and care. This narrative review explores the current use of AI in PACUs and discusses the potential benefits and challenges associated with its implementation and highlights how AI technologies such as predictive analytics, machine learning algorithms, and robotics can enhance patient safety, reduce human error, and improve outcomes in the PACU setting. Overall, this narrative review provides insights into the evolving role of AI in PACUs and offers recommendations for future research and practice in this area.

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IssueVol 11 No 2 (2025): Spring QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Post anesthesia care unit Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning

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Sedigh Maroufi S, Sarkhosh M, Soleimani Movahed M, Behmanesh A, Ejmalian A. Revolutionizing Post Anesthesia Care Unit with Artificial Intelligence: A Narrative Review. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2024;11(2):218-223.