Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Delirium Prevalence in Iranian Hospitals Patients
Background: Delirium is a clinical neuropsychiatric syndrome, the main characteristic of which is a disturbance of consciousness affecting the patient's psychological state, and various factors are effective in causing it. the aim of study is prevalence of delirium in the Iran using a meta-analysis method.
Methods: In this study, which was conducted in the group of patients hospitalized in Iranian hospitals, the prevalence of delirium was investigated. The search was carried out in the domestic databases of Iran and international databases including PubMed, Scopus, ISI, Science Direct and Google Scholar search engine in Farsi and English languages. The results of the extracted articles were entered in the checklist designed by the researchers and the extracted results were analyzed in the CMA software.
Results: In the initial search of this study, 766 articles were found, of which 458 articles were excluded in the initial screening. 98 articles were excluded from the study due to repetition in the search, and finally 25 articles were included in the analysis stage. According to the findings, the overall delirium prevalence is 22% (CI: 16.8-28.3%), the overall delirium prevalence in heart surgery patients is 20.2% (CI: 12.7-30.6%), and the delirium prevalence in the elderly is 44.3% (CI: was 20.7-70.8%).
Conclusion: It is necessary to conduct preventive studies in this field to reduce this amount.
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