Case Report

Anesthesia Management in a Case of Apert Syndrome


Apert syndrome is a premature fusion of certain skull bones. This early fusion prevents the skull growing normally and affects the shape of the head and face. In addition a varied number of fingers and toes are adhered together. Considering the probability of difficult airway is very important in these patients. Our patient was referred to operating room for syndactyly separation in his lower extremities fingers.

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IssueVol 4 No 4 (2018): Autumn QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
appert syndrome anesthesia

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Espahbodi E, Maleki A, Ostad Alipour A, Aryana P, Takzare A, Yaghooti A, Sanatkarfar M. Anesthesia Management in a Case of Apert Syndrome. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2018;4(4):553.