Research Article

Correlation between Serum Vancomycin Trough Level and Therapeutic Response in Septic Patients during Augmented Renal Clearance Phase


Background: Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic that was extensively used for treatment of gram positive infections. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is recommended to optimize efficacy and safety of vancomycin. Data regarding TDM of vancomycin are scant in septic patients especially during augmented renal clearance (ARC) phase.
Methods: In this observational study, 39 patients with diagnosis of sepsis that were in ARC phase were evaluated. The breakpoint for serum trough level of vancomycin was considered as 15 mg/l. The patients were stratified in two groups based on the measured serum trough levels (< 15 mg/l versus ≥15 mg/l).
Results: Clinical response and microbiological clearance were compared between the groups. In terms of clinical response, there was no significant difference between the groups (P = 0.677). Also, the microbiological clearance was not different between the groups (P= 1.00).
Conclusion: Septic patients during ARC phase had comparable clinical and microbial responses regardless of serum trough levels of vancomycin.

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IssueVol 5 No 3 (2019): Summer QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Vancomycin Clinical response Microbiological clearance Sepsis

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How to Cite
Arasteh O, Khalili H, Beigmohammadi MT, Abdollahi A, Mohammadpour A, Salehi M. Correlation between Serum Vancomycin Trough Level and Therapeutic Response in Septic Patients during Augmented Renal Clearance Phase. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2019;5(3):77-80.