Case Report

Successful Anaesthetic Management Of Meckel-Gruber Syndrome: A Case Report


Meckel Gruber syndrome (MGS) is one of the rare autosomal recessive inherited disorder affecting several organ systems of the body. It is specifically characterised by occipital encephalocele, bilateral polycystic kidney, post axial polydactyly making the airway management difficult.
We would like to share successful management of a case of Meckel Gruber syndrome with giant occipital-cervical encephalocele posted for excision. Difficult airway cart was kept ready prior to intubation. This includes laryngeal mask airway of appropriate size, high frequency jet ventilation, fibre-optic bronchoscope, a cricothyroid cannula and preparations for tracheostomy.
Anaesthesia to paediatric age group poses many challenges to anaesthesiologist and that for congenital anomalies add to it. Working knowledge of these kind of syndromes and specific considerations for the same should be kept in mind when assessing a case of occipital encephalocele leading to more effective and appropriate management of cases.

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IssueVol 6 No 3 (2020): Summer QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Meckel Gruber syndrome Encephalocele Airway

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Krishna V, Govil N, Adabala V, Chaturvedi J. Successful Anaesthetic Management Of Meckel-Gruber Syndrome: A Case Report. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2020;6(3):142-144.