Letter to Editor

Baska Mask Failure: Culprit Resides at the Posterior Commissure


Baska Mask (BM), the second-generation supraglottic airway device (SGAD), has many novel features, which should improve safety when used in both spontaneously breathing and IPPV anesthesia [1]. These include a noninflatable cuff, which reduces the risk of oropharyngeal tissue and/or nerve damage induced by cuff overinflation, a known complication with other supraglottic airways [2]. It also has an additional gastric channel and a bite block. We recently encountered an unusual case of Baska mask failure.

[1] Zundert Tv, Gatt S. The Baska Mask® -A new concept in Self-sealing membrane cuff extragalactic airway devices, using a sump and two gastric drains: A critical evaluation. J Obstet Anaesth Crit Care 2012; 2: 23-30.
[2] Zhang J, Zhao Z, Chen Y, Zhang X. New insights into the mechanism of injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve associated with the laryngeal mask airway. Med Sci Monit. 2010; 16(5):HY7-9.
[3] Al-Rawahi SAS, Aziz H, Malik AM, Khan RM, Kaul N. A comparative analysis of the Baska mask vs Proseal laryngeal mask for general anesthesia with IPPV. Anaesth Pain & Intensive Care. 2013; 17: 233-236.
IssueVol 7 No 4 (2021): Autumn QRcode
SectionLetter to Editor
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/aacc.v7i4.7640
Baska Mask Posterior commissure supraglottic airway device.

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How to Cite
Singh G, Verma S, Ajit K, Monika S. Baska Mask Failure: Culprit Resides at the Posterior Commissure. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2021;7(4):303-304.