Research Article

Comprehensive Analysis of Perioperative Anaesthesia Concerns in Covid Associated Mucormycosis: A Retrospective Study of Surgical Patients


Background: Data regarding sudden surge of mucormycosis cases with COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on anaesthesia management are lacking. This retrospective study was designed to analyze the number and characteristics of patients posted for mucormycosis surgery in COVID19 pandemic while emphasizing upon the anaesthesia concerns.
Methods: Data was collected from all patients who were admitted with mucormycosis in our institute from the year 2020 onwards. Further analysis of patients who were surgically treated was carried out in terms of demographic characteristics, association with COVID19 and perioperative course of mucormycosis and anaesthetic management. All statistical analyses were performed with the Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 25·0 software.
Results: We report an incidence of 30 operated patients of the average age 52.60 years with mucormycosis from August 2020 to May 2021. Diabetes as a comorbidity was common (86.90%).  Previous infection with COVID-19 was observed in 29 (96.60%) out of which 80% patients had residual pulmonary involvement. Concomitant medical therapy with Amphotericin B was received by 90% patients and subsequently 70% had deranged renal profile. While 20 % patients had compromised airway, 60 % required blood transfusion and 76.6% patients were electively ventilated while 1 patient (3.3%) succumbed amounting to a survival rate of 96.6%.
Conclusion: To conclude elderly male diabetic patients with history of COVID19 infection is the most vulnerable population for developing mucormycosis. Airway management, glycemic control, concomitant Amphotericin B therapy and intraoperative bleeding are the major challenges for anaesthesiologist along with an element of post Covid respiratory compromise.

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IssueVol 8 No 1 (2022): Winter QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
COVID-19 diabetes mellitus mucormycosis. Anaesthesia

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How to Cite
Ghodki P, Panse N, Sardesai S. Comprehensive Analysis of Perioperative Anaesthesia Concerns in Covid Associated Mucormycosis: A Retrospective Study of Surgical Patients. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2022;8(1):18-24.