Case Report

A Case of Foreign Body Esophagus in a Six Year Old Child Previosly Operated for Esopageal Atresia: The Anesthetic Management


Foreign body ingestion is quite common in the pediatric age group. A six year old boy was brought by his parents to the hospital with history of foreign body (marble) ingestion. The child had been previously operated for the esophageal atresia. Imaging revealed a foreign body of 1.5cm size in the esophagus at the atretic part. The foreign body removal was initially attempted via rigid esophagoscopy but could not succeed. Hence, the procedure was changed to right thoracotomy for foreign body retrieval in the same sitting. Patient also had intraoperative itragenic trachea-esophageal fistula formation. General anesthesia was planned using single lumen cuffed ETT of 5.0mm ID for ventilation. Caudal catheter was inserted for postoperative pain management and early recovery following thoracotomy. Such cases of foreign body ingestion in an atretic esophagus should always be planned considering the unexpected extend of surgical procedure and peri-operative complications.

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IssueVol 8 No 2 (2022): Spring QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Child esophageal atresia foreign body thoracotomy.

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Kumari M, Gupta M, Yadav A, Kumar M. A Case of Foreign Body Esophagus in a Six Year Old Child Previosly Operated for Esopageal Atresia: The Anesthetic Management. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2022;8(2):169-171.