
Robotics and the Airway Management


The definition of the word ‘Robot’ was first given by Josef Capek in 1920; who used the word in the title of a play by the name of “Rossum’s Universal Robots” As per the definition of Encyclopaedia Britannica robot is "any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike manner". The role of robots in surgery and anaesthesia is now a reality. Since the approval by FDA in year 2000, surgeons have been using Da Vinci surgical robot in more than 1500 hospitals in USA. In the last 20 years, surgeons have shifted to small incision surgical procedures with the help of surgical robot among other techniques.

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IssueVol 8 No 1 (2022): Winter QRcode
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/aacc.v8i1.8236
Robotics Airway management

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How to Cite
Khan Z, Malhotra S. Robotics and the Airway Management. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2022;8(1):1-2.