Research Article

Which Criterion Is Appropriate for Laryngeal Mask Airway Size in Women: Weight or Height?


Background: In this study, we try to determine which of this two criteria (height or weight) is a better for determining the appropriate size of the laryngeal mask airway for Iranian women.
Methods: This randomized controlled trial was performed on 300 females with ASA I-II who were candidate for eye surgery. In the weight group, the size of the laryngeal mask airway was selected according to the classical method and in the height group (height less than 170 cm: size 3, height above 170 cm: size 4) based on researcher’s experience. Number of attempts, leakage and complications were evaluated during surgery, recovery and 24 hours later. Data was analyzed with SPSS v.16 and P<0.05 was meaningful.
Results: There weren't significant difference between 2 groups for demographic parameters. Our study shows significant decrease in the number of laryngeal mask airway insertion attempts, the amount of air leakage, the sore throat at recovery and the day after the surgery, and the bloody laryngeal mask airway cuff, in the height group than weight group.
Conclusion: We concluded that laryngeal mask airway size based on the patients’ height leads to faster and easier application and fewer side effects than choosing the size based on the patients’ weight.

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IssueVol 8 No Supp. 1 (2022): Supplement 1 QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Intubation Laryngeal Mask Postoperative Complication

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How to Cite
Bameshki A, Razavi M, Roohandeh Z, Taghavi Gilani M. Which Criterion Is Appropriate for Laryngeal Mask Airway Size in Women: Weight or Height?. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2022;8(Supp. 1):383-386.