Comparison of Various Analgesic Protocols for Control of Postoperative Pain Following Anorectal Surgery
Background: Anorectal pathology is commonly perceived it and handled in common surgical practitioners’ fistula and abscess, hemorrhoids, fissures, condyloma, and other pathological conditions. Because of the strong sensory innervations of the canal of anal, patients endure severe discomfort during anorectal surgery. It is generally most severe in the first twenty-four hours especially after excisional hemorrhoidectomy. the aim of this study is a comparison between different analgesic protocols used to relieve pain postoperative anorectal surgery.
Methods: PubMed, Embase, Medline, Science Gate, Scientific Report, Elsevier, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Evidence Based Medicine Reviews were used to conduct a review search. Review of newly released books and papers with regard to the topic, as well as manual searches (Comparison of various analgesic protocols for control of postoperative pain following anorectal surgery), was started at (May,2021). we searched the published studies from 2011 to the present date by the full text:(various analgesic protocols post anorectal surgery).
Results: Anorectal surgery is marked by excruciating discomfort after the procedure. Using the new technique during anorectal surgery as hemorrhoidectomy to avoid more excision of anal mucosa and the skin, putting the suture nearest to the dentate line and away from the internal anal sphincter, and good hemostasis to avoid the inserting of the anal pack are the most essential methods to lessen pain postoperatively regardless of the type of anorectal surgery performed or the instrument to use during it. We found more protocols using multimodality pain management for the relief of pain, topical drugs that produce direct relaxation of the internal anal sphincter, topical intervention as a pudendal nerve block, a method of surgery as surgical sphincterotomy, and technical tips to reduce pain as ligasure.
Conclusion: Multimodal pain treatment has been demonstrated to minimize pain intensity and opioid doses in various kinds of surgery.
According to the highest degree of proof, using current technological procedures and tools as a ligasure with some topical agent as GTN glyceryl trinitrate ointment provided amazing excellent alleviation of postoperative pain following anorectal surgery.
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Issue | Vol 8 No 3 (2022): Summer |
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Analgesic Pain Surgery |
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