Development and Psychometrics of Safe Anesthesia Evaluation. Three-Step Checklist (Pre-Induction of Anesthesia, Maintenance of Anesthesia, Post-Anesthesia): A Cross Sectional Study
Background: Patient safety is one of the main elements of the quality of health services. Our aim of this study was to compile a complete checklist for the three stages of anesthesia.
Methods: This research was a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical study. First, an internet search was conducted in databases to identify checklists related to safe Anesthesia. The WHO Safe Anesthesia Checklist was designated as the main checklist. Then, a brainstorming session was held with experts and according to the determined fields, the initial draft was compiled. Face and content validity were conducted. The reliability of the checklist was measured with Cronbach's alpha and intra class correlation index (ICC) methods.
Results: The initial draft was compiled with 34 items. 29 items scored higher than 0.79 in terms of CVI (content validity index) The value of CVI of 5 items was less than the permissible limit and the edge of the border, which was revised and corrected by the research group. 2 items were returned to the research process according to the survey of experts and their necessity CVR (content validity ratio) (value >0/62) and 3 items were removed from the research process. Cronbach's alpha was calculated as 0.876 for the first evaluator and 0.870 for the second evaluator, and the percentage of agreement between the evaluators was 0.956 (P<0.001).
Conclusion: We developed and evaluated a checklist for the three stages of anesthesia through an evidence-based study. We hope this checklist can reduce and prevent clinical errors.
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Issue | Vol 10 No 1 (2024): Winter |
Section | Research Article(s) | |
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Development psychometrics Anesthesia patient safety |
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