Research Article

Comparison of Clonidine versus Esmolol in Controlled Hypotension in Patients Undergoing FESS Surgery


Background: FESS has its share of complications which can be a challenge for both the surgeon as well the anesthetist and achieving a bloodless surgical field is essential So the principle of controlled hypotension can be used to combat this issue.
Methods: A hospital-based randomized comparative interventional study was conducted on 60 patients to compare Clonidine (2mcg/kg in 10 ml of saline over 10 minutes before induction followed by an infusion of 1mcg/kg/hr during maintenance) and Esmolol (1mg/kg in 10 ml of saline over 10 minutes before induction followed by an infusion of 1mg/kg/hr during maintenance) to assess and compare the hypotensive properties of both the drugs.
Results: After the induction of anesthesia, there was a significant difference in the mean heart rate, and mean arterial pressure between the two groups throughout the intraoperative period (p-value < 0.05). Both groups achieved a target mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65-70 mmHg and improved surgical field quality.
Conclusion: This study concluded that clonidine and esmolol both provide hemodynamic stability and a better surgical field in functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS). Clonidine also helps in achieving postoperative sedation and analgesia.

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IssueVol 10 No 1 (2024): Winter QRcode
SectionResearch Article(s)
Controlled hypotension Clonidine Esmolol

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How to Cite
Garg K, Nanda S, Bafna U, Mali C, Naaz S, Sabu N. Comparison of Clonidine versus Esmolol in Controlled Hypotension in Patients Undergoing FESS Surgery. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2023;10(1):3-8.