Review Article

A Narrative Review of Cardiac Output Measurement in Cardiac Surgery


Continuous monitoring of the cardiovascular system and control of the changes affecting it is a constant challenge for the surgical team. The need to control the condition of the heart and better understand its condition is raised in the topic of advanced hemodynamic monitoring, which is a set of different techniques for real-time monitoring of the cardiovascular condition and its influencing factors. Cardiac output, as the most important indicator of cardiac function, is an integral part of cardiac monitoring systems. The measurement of this index has witnessed extensive changes in the past few years, which clearly shows its importance. Cardiac surgery is one of the most serious cases that requires accurate assessment of cardiac output and advanced hemodynamic monitoring. Therefore, the present study examines the types of cardiac output in cardiac surgery.

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IssueVol 9 No Supp. 2 (2023): Supplement 2 QRcode
SectionReview Article(s)
Advanced hemodynamic monitoring cardiac output cardiac surgery

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How to Cite
Jahangirifard A, Mirtajani S, Jabbari A, Saliminejad L, Ghaheri M, Hossein Ahmadi Z. A Narrative Review of Cardiac Output Measurement in Cardiac Surgery. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2023;9(Supp. 2):541-548.