Case Report

A Well-Differentiated Liposarcoma with History of Benign Prostatic: A Case Report


Liposarcoma, a malignant tumor originating from fat cells, is a rare occurrence in the retroperitoneal region. Surgical resection is the standard method for treating this cancer. This type of tumor is classified into common subtypes, which include well-differentiated liposarcoma and dedifferentiated liposarcoma.
A 53-year-old male patient presented with lower left quadrant (LLQ) pain and melena for two weeks. Further diagnostic evaluation, including colonoscopy, revealed a 50 mm polyp in the hepatic flexure or distal of the ascending colon.
The pathological assessment of the mass demonstrated a lipomatous lesion with a nuclear atypical lipomatous tumor, which was diagnosed as well-differentiated liposarcoma.
The patient underwent surgical treatment and was discharged following his recovery.
Liposarcoma, a malignant tumor originating from fat cells, is a rare occurrence in the retroperitoneal region. Surgical resection is the standard method for treating this cancer. This type of tumor is classified into common subtypes, which include well-differentiated liposarcoma and dedifferentiated liposarcoma.
A 53-year-old male patient presented with lower left quadrant (LLQ) pain and melena for two weeks. Further diagnostic evaluation, including colonoscopy, revealed a 50 mm polyp in the hepatic flexure or distal of the ascending colon.
The pathological assessment of the mass demonstrated a lipomatous lesion with a nuclear atypical lipomatous tumor, which was diagnosed as well-differentiated liposarcoma.

The patient underwent surgical treatment and was discharged following his recovery.

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IssueVol 11 No 1 (2025): Winter QRcode
SectionCase Report(s)
Liposarcoma Well-differentiated Inflammation

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How to Cite
Tavakoli H, Ahmadi Amoli H, Miratashi Yazdi SA, Sharifi M, Abdolahi M, Gholizadeh M. A Well-Differentiated Liposarcoma with History of Benign Prostatic: A Case Report. Arch Anesth & Crit Care. 2024;11(1):122-125.